Hello to everyone!

Many heartfelt Thank Yous to all of the families, friends, residents, tenants, staff, volunteers, churches, charitable organizations, chambers of commerce, banks, businesses, schools, teachers and students, and musicians, who helped to make the year-end holiday season activities (visits & gifts) enjoyable and memorable for the residents and tenants.

For a more detailed listing of the Activities, check out our newsletter online. 
See URL:  www.MillValleyCareCenter.com
Click on the Calendar of Events, and the Activity Newsletter with current pictures.

Photos may be found at both, the “Happenings” section of our newsletter, and the “Photos” section of our Facebook page.  See URL:  www.facebook.com/MillValleyCareSunriseVilla/.

Note:  All Activities / Events / Times are subject to change without notice. 
To otherwise check our schedule, one may call 563-872-5521.

Wishing for you and yours, all of the very best, in health, safety, happiness, safe travels, a healthy and safe month of January, and a Happy New Year.

Joy Marchiando
Recreation Program Director