Community Involvement
Donations of
Time, Talents, & Treasures.
Thank You !!

Vincent S. and Merle Kilburg (tenants, volunteers), and Linda Bennett (family/volunteer) for hosting the game of “Dominoes” during the afternoon on three Fridays.

Marlyce Tebbe (tenant, volunteer) for leading the Rosary prayers at the Sunrise Villa Assisted Living (SVAL) for the Catholic tenants on Sunday midmornings during the past month.

Mary Jo Konrardy (volunteer/staff at the SVAL) for hosting “Bingo with MaryJo” with the tenants during the afternoon on Sunday.

Kelby Mueller for hosting “Music with Kelby” for/with the residents [at the Mill Valley Care Center (MVCC)] and the tenants (at the SVAL) during the evening time on Sunday.

The Mennonite Choir (volunteers) for hosting “Christmas Music Caroling with the Mennonites” for/with the residents (at the MVCC) and the tenants (at the SVAL) during the evening time on Sunday.

Jr. Steines (volunteer) for hosting “Euchre Games” at the MVCC during the afternoon on two Mondays, and with tenants (at the SVAL) during the afternoon on Monday.

Rick Casel (BHS Instructor – HS/MS, MDSCI & At Risk) with his 21-22 students from his “Leadership Class” for visiting and playing various games (Jenga, Uno, Old Maid, Euchre, Ladder Ball, Ball Toss, and Skip-Bo) with the residents, to help exercise the minds and bodies of the residents during the afternoon on Monday.

The Hospice of Jackson County Christmas Carolers for singing Christmas songs to the residents and tenants during the evening time on Monday.  “Santa Claus” who arrived and visited with the residents and tenants on this festive evening.

Jacob Till (K-12 Vocal Music Director/Instructor, Marquette Catholic School, Bellevue, Iowa) and Geoffrey Kaiser (Principal, Marquette Catholic School), with the Marquette Catholic Choir for visiting and presenting their program of songs in the lobby for/with the residents (at the MVCC) and the tenants (at the SVAL) during the noontime on Tuesday.  Jeannie Weber (volunteer) for her assistance during this event.  All the staff/volunteers for helping to make this event possible.

Willard Felderman, Richard Helbing, Harlan Wilslef, and Eldora Steines for hosting “Euchre Games” at the MVCC during the afternoon on two Mondays, two Tuesdays, and two Thursdays.

Sandra Mueller with Rita Miller (volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games” with the tenants (at the SVAL), held during the afternoon on Tuesday.

Pat Roling and Rita Miller (volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games” with the tenants (at the SVAL), held during the afternoon on Tuesday.

Mary Kubik and Rita Miller (volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games” with the tenants (at the SVAL), held during the afternoon on Tuesday.

Peggy Althaus, Mary Sieverding, and Donna Sieverding (volunteers) for hosting “Christmas Bingo” games held with the tenants (at the SVAL) during the afternoon on Tuesday.

Jeanette Hartung-Schroeder (Principal, Bellevue Elementary School) and Karla Weinschenk (Secretary, Bellevue Elementary School) with the “Comets-After-school-Program-for-Students (CAPS) Group” performing the theme of “Let’s Roll with It”, featuring Christmas Caroling of favorite Christmas songs and handing out handmade Christmas cards (at the MVCC) with residents and (at the SVAL) with the tenants during the early evening on Tuesday.

The school class of Blair Gerlach [HS/MS Vocational Agriculture Instructor and Future Farmers of America (FFA) Advisor; Bellevue Middle/High School), with 19-plus students for assisting the residents and tenants with Activities by decorating & frosting Christmas Cookies (in the front Dining Room) during the midmorning and then later assisting with bingo during the afternoon on Tuesday.  Blair Gerlach and her FFA students for bringing in and delivering 60-plus Christmas bags of assorted fruits for all the residents and tenants.  Lenae Sieverding (Administrator), Kindal Klein (Dietary Supervisor), Dietary staff, Courtney Maxwell (Administrative Assistant), all Nursing staff, all Activities (Joy M. & Theresa S.), and family members for making this event spectacular.

Chef Kevin Hebert (Executive Chef, HealthCare of Iowa) for visiting MVCC/SVAL and hosting a live cooking demonstration (activity) in front of an involved audience of residents, tenants, family members, staff, volunteers, and visitors during the midmorning (Breakfast at the SVAL) and in the afternoon (at the MVCC) on Wednesday.

Jeanne Weber and Ruth Putman, Linda Bennett, Jane Steines, Betty Bakey, and Lynn Muhlenhaupt (family & volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games”, held with the residents (at the MVCC) during the afternoon on Wednesday with Joy M. (staff).

Jeanne Weber, Laurie Anderson, and Betty Bakey, Linda Bennett, Roger Michels, and Lynn Muhlenhaupt (family/volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games”, held with the residents and tenants (at the MVCC) during the afternoon on Wednesday with Joy M. (staff).

Linda Hindricks, Michelle Johnson, and Pat Roling (volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games with the American Legion Auxiliary Ladies”, with Blair Gerlach (HS/MS Vocational Agriculture Instructor and FFA Advisor, Bellevue Middle/High School) with her FFA students, held with the tenants (at the SVAL) and then with the residents (at the MVCC) during the afternoon on Wednesday.

David Eischeid (volunteer art instructor) and Mary Kubik (volunteer) for visiting and hosting “Artwork with David & Mary” (an artwork class), and Laurie Anderson (volunteer) for assisting, during the morning on Wednesday, and helping our small group of resident/tenant art students unlock their art talents.

Kelly O’Donnell (volunteer / Occupational Therapy), A. J. Bishop (Physical Therapy), Lenae Sieverding (Administrator), Courney Maxwell (Administrator Assistant), and Joy Marchiando (Activity Director) for hosting “Deer Hunting” (a fun activity) with Therapy, featuring some remarkably energetic rehabilitation therapy games with the residents and tenants, “snow balling” with Therapy and staff during the afternoon on Wednesday midmorning.

Steve Tebbe of “Whispering Meadows Farms” for providing heated wagon rides for the “Christmas Lights of Bellevue (Iowa) Tours” with the residents, tenants, and staff during the evening time on Wednesday with Theresa S. (staff).

Rev. Andy Upah (Pastor, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Bellevue, Iowa), Laura and Jr. Steines (volunteers), and Betty Portz (volunteer) for hosting the Catholic Mass and Communion Service (at the SVAL) during the midmorning on Thursday.  Jr. Steines (volunteer) for reciting the Rosary prayers.  Rev. Andy Upah and Laura Steines for assisting the distribution of Communion to the tenants and residents.

Jr. and Laura Steines and Judy Moran (volunteers) for reciting the Rosary prayers at the SVAL) during the midmorning on Thursday.

Denise Forney (volunteer and daughter of Jr. & Laura Steines) for hosting “Christmas Music with Denise”, singing and playing the guitar for/with the tenants (at the SVAL) and the residents (at the MVCC) on Thursday.

Jill Roe (Vocal Music Director/Instructor) and Evan Davies (MS/HS/Elementary Instrumental Music – Band) – (Bellevue Middle/High School, Bellevue, Iowa) with her 17-plus students for singing Christmas songs, 3 students playing Christmas songs on the piano, and caroling up and down the hallways of MVCC and SVAL during the afternoon on Thursday.

Jerry Long (“Just Jer”) for hosting “Music with ‘Just Jer’ ” for/with the tenants (at the SVAL) and some of the residents (from MVCC) during the afternoon on Thursday.

Susan Lucke for hosting “Music with Susan” for the residents at the MVCC during the evening-time on four Fridays.

Lenae Sieverding, Theresa Schwager, Susan Eversol, Season Kutsch, Jill Herrig, Alison Meier, Megan Meier, Melissa Koch, Kayla Blaser, MaryJo Konrardy, Kindal Klein, Courtney Maxwell, CNAs, John Rubel, and all the other involved unnamed staff and volunteers for assisting Activities during the past month.

Sandra Walker for donating 10 handmade soft flannel lap robes.

Sheila Hunter for the generous handmade Christmas cards for the residents and tenants, and the Christmas basket filled with goodies/treats for the staff.

Steve Norpel and Family for the wonderful basket filled with assorted “goodies/treats” for the staff.

William B. and family for sharing his birthday cake with us.

Donald & Rosie H & Family for Santa.

Anonymous for bringing in a large platter of assorted cookies for the staff.

Anonymous for their donations of items, calendars, books, magazines, etc.

Anonymous for their donations of items received during the past month.

Medical Associates for bringing in delicious, assorted cookies for the staff.

Bellevue American Legion Auxiliary for bringing in Christmas Cards with personalized signatures and “goodies/treats”.

All the residents, tenants, families, staff, volunteers, and all the involved participants for joining together during our Annual Christmas Exchange, making this Christmas one of the “very best ever”, during the afternoon on Friday.  “Santa” for arriving and visiting “one-on-one” with the residents, tenants, families, volunteers, and staff during this Christmas Gift Exchange.

Thanks to Collins Aerospace for hosting a Community Outreach “in-house” Program, and to every employee who reached out and provided for our residents and tenants in making this a grand Christmas.

Thanks to the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce [Olivia Chumbley (Executive Director); Board of Directors: Steve Nemmers (President); Joslyn Giesemann (Vice President), Amye Valant (Secretary), Jesse Kueter (Treasurer), Dennis “Bud” Schroeder (Board member), Paige Kueter (Board member), Ryan Toups (Board member), Tessa Putman (Board member), and Dan Blitgen (Board member)], for hosting the Outreach Bellevue Community Star Program; and to every person who reached for a “Bellevue Community Star” to help make this Christmas memorable for a resident or tenant.

Thanks to the Maquoketa Community Star Program Outreach for everyone who reached out and provided for our residents and tenants in making this a grand Christmas.

All the residents (at MVCC) and tenants (at SVAL) and staff (at MVCC/SVAL) are greatly appreciative for all those helping to make this a memorable Christmas!

Thanks to all the volunteers for being awesome.

Thanks to all the involved staff and volunteers for their assistance in Activities and support in/with all the “individualized” activities/events during the past month.

Thanks to all the unnamed individuals who communicated [via letters, phone calls, video chats (FaceTime, Facebook, Skype, etc.), outside closed/open window visits, inside visits, etc.] with the residents / tenants to help uplift their days.  Thanks to all the residents, tenants, families, friends, school children and teachers, volunteers, staff (Administrative, Nursing, Dietary, Housekeeping, Laundry, Maintenance, and Activity-Recreation Departments), Therapy staff (Occupational, Physical, Speech), local area (Bellevue, Maquoketa, Preston, Andrew, St. Donatus, Springbrook, etc.) businesses, churches, organizations, and other unnamed individuals for their kindnesses, assistance, and support with all our activities / events / donations / cards / posters during the past month.

For a more detailed listing of the Activities, check out the calendar of events on our website newsletter.  See URL:

Photos may be found at both: the “Happenings” section of our newsletter; and the “Photos” section of our Facebook page.  See URL:

Note:  All Activities/Events/Times are subject to change without notice.  To check our schedule, one may also call  563-872-5521.