Thank You
Community Involvement
Donations of
Time, Talents, & Treasures.
Thank You !!
Ray & Doris Theisen for hosting “Music with Ray & Doris” for/with the tenants [at the Sunrise Villa Assisted Living (SVAL)] and the residents (at the MVCC) during the evening-time on Sunday and Tuesday; and for/with the tenants (at the SVAL) during the evening-time on two Tuesdays.
The Marcelline & Dale Cain Family and sons, Caleb & Lee Cain, for bringing in to the MVCC and SVAL 80-plus ears of sweet corn that was already shucked and ready for cooking on (8/5/24) for the residents, tenants, and staff. (Marcelline is the daughter of tenant Janice Keil.)
Brad Taliaferro and Kent Petersen of the Delmar Lions Club and all of their members/volunteers, who participated in the Fifth Annual Delmar Lions Tractor Ride on Saturday, August 24, 2024, who drove their model tractors around our circle drive at the SVAL in Bellevue, much to the joy of the tenants (at the SVAL) and residents (at the MVCC). Thanks also to the residents, tenants, families, volunteers, visitors, and staff, who helped the tractor-cade during the noontime on Saturday. Thanks to Lenae Sieverding (Administrator); John Rubel and Mark Mueller (Maintenance, preparation setup and breakdown, lawn chairs, etc.); Kindal Klein (Dietary Supervisor) & the Dietary staff; Nursing staff: Jillian Kueter (Director of Nursing), Season Kutsch (MDS Coordinator), Allison Meier (Restorative Nurse), Melissa Koch (AL Delegation Nurse); Kayla Blaser (SVAL Director); and all the involved Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs); Theresa Schwager (Environmental Services Director); and Joy Marchiando (Activities Director).
Marlyce Tebbe (tenant, volunteer) for leading the Rosary prayers (at the SVAL) for the Catholic tenants during this month on Sunday midmorning.
Kelby Mueller (volunteer) for hosting “Weekend Music with Kelby Mueller” for/with the tenants (at the SVAL) and the residents (at the MVCC) during the noontime on Sunday.
Chef Kevin Hebert (Executive Chef, Healthcare of Iowa) for visiting MVCC/SVAL and hosting a live cooking demonstration (activity) in front of an involved audience of residents, tenants, family members, staff, volunteers, and visitors during the midmorning (breakfast at the SVAL) and the afternoon (at the MVCC) on Tuesday.
Mary Jo Konrardy (Universal Worker staff, volunteer) for hosting “Bingo Games” with the tenants (at the SVAL), held during the afternoon on Tuesday.
Rita Miller and Pat Roling (volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games” with the tenants (at the SVAL), held during the afternoon on Tuesday.
Molly Ploessl, Mary Kubik, with their young assistants: Daniela & Lucia Miller, Haisley Williams, Josie & Harrison McBride (volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games” with the tenants (at the SVAL), held during the afternoon on Tuesday.
Peggy Althaus, Mary Sieverding, Donna Sieverding, and Rita Miller (volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games” with the tenants (at the SVAL), held during the afternoon on Tuesday.
Steve Junk, Kay Konrardy, and Jeanne Weber (volunteers), and Linda Bennett, Betty Bakey, Jane Steines, Mary Hinke (family/volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games”, held with the residents (at the MVCC) during the afternoon on Wednesday.
Mary & Dave Voelkel, Willie & Jodi Hingtgen, Sue Williams, Jeanne Weber (volunteers), and Linda Bennett, Betty Bakey, Jane Steines, Mary Hinke (family/volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games”, held with the residents (at the MVCC) during the afternoon on Wednesday.
Rev. Andy Upah (Pastor, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Bellevue, Iowa), Yvette Andersen (Director of Faith Formation), Jr. & Laura Steines (volunteers), for hosting the Catholic Mass and Communion Service (at the SVAL) during the midmorning on Thursday. Jr. Steines (volunteer) for reciting the Rosary prayers. Rev. Andy Upah and Laura Steines for assisting the distribution of Communion to tenants.
Rev. Andy Upah (Pastor, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Bellevue, Iowa), Yvette Andersen (Director of Faith Formation), Judy Moran and Jr. & Laura Steines (volunteers), for hosting the Catholic Mass and Communion Service (at the SVAL) during the midmorning on Thursday. Jr. Steines (volunteer) for reciting the Rosary prayers. Rev. Andy Upah and Laura Steines for assisting the distribution of Communion to tenants and residents.
Bea Hansen (volunteer) for hosting “Crafts with Bea” (making a “Back to School” item) with the tenants (at the SVAL) and the residents (at the MVCC) during the afternoon on Thursday.
Melissa Koch (staff, volunteer) for sharing her two baby puppies named, “Seren” (female Chihuahua) and “Vinny” (male Chihuahua) with the residents, tenants, families and staff to enjoy during the afternoon on Thursday.
Jill Herrig (staff nurse, volunteer) for sharing her two dogs, Bailey (miniature Collie male) and Cooper (Labradoodle female) for “Pet Therapy” with the residents and staff during the early evening on Thursday.
Richard Helbing, LeAnna Michels, Harlan Wilslef, and Eudora Steines (residents, volunteers) for hosting the game of “Euchre” during the afternoon on Friday.
Melissa Koch (staff) for bringing in sweet corn for the staff.
Susie Ruchotzke and her Family of Rosemary & Donald Hingtgen for the gifts, “goodies/treats”, beverages, and card (“There are Good People in this world!”) for the staff during the afternoon on Thursday.
Salem Lutheran Church (Andrew, Iowa); Pastor Mark Oehlert, Peggy McMurray, and all the Parishioners for the gift and booklets “Christ in Our Home” (large print edition) for the Lutheran residents (at the MVCC) and tenants (at the SVAL).
Thanks to the smaller children who attended Vacation Bible School at Salem Lutheran Church in Andrew, Iowa, for lovingly and enthusiastically assembling and decorating the many filled gift bags for the residents (at the MVCC) and tenants (at the SVAL) last week.
Kate Sieverding-Niehaus for the 12 beautifully crocheted lap robes for the residents and tenants; and Mary Jean Sieverding (staff) for delivering these lap robes.
The family of Betty Gonner (resident) (Joan McKim – daughter) for bringing in Hershey’s Candy Kisses for the staff, and the note: (“Thank you for 10 years of caring for Betty!!”).
Jill Herrig for her donation of a wheel chair weight scale for the Nursing Department and the residents and tenants.
Judy Kramer for donating tomatoes.
Barb Flammang for the fresh zucchini, cucumbers, and tomatoes.
Vincent S. (tenant) & Family for sharing his birthday cake with us on Thursday.
Harold Saxer (tenant) (& Lila Banowetz) for sharing his birthday cake with us on Sunday.
Shirley Peterson (tenant) for sharing her birthday cake with us on Monday.
Anonymous for their donations of items during the past four weeks.
Theresa Schwager, Susan Eversole, Jillian Kueter, Lenae Sieverding, Season Kutsch, Jill Herrig, Alison Meier, Megan Meier, Melissa Koch, Kayla Blaser, Kindal Klein, Courtney Maxwell, CNAs, John Rubel, Steve Schmudde, and all the other involved unnamed staff and volunteers for assisting Activities during the past four weeks.
Thanks to all the volunteers for being awesome.
Thanks to all the involved staff and volunteers for their assistance in Activities and support in/with all the “individualized” activities/events during the past four weeks.
Thanks to all the unnamed individuals who communicated [via letters, phone calls, video chats (FaceTime, Facebook, Skype, etc.), outside closed/open window visits, inside visits, etc.] with the residents / tenants to help uplift their days. Thanks to all the residents, tenants, families, friends, school children and teachers, volunteers, staff (Administrative, Nursing, Dietary, Housekeeping, Laundry, Maintenance, and Activity-Recreation Departments), Therapy staff (Occupational, Physical, Speech), local area (Bellevue, Maquoketa, Preston, Andrew, St. Donatus, Springbrook, etc.) businesses, churches, organizations, and other unnamed individuals for their kindnesses, assistance, and support with all our activities / events / donations / cards / posters during the past four weeks.
For a more detailed listing of the Activities, check out the calendar of events on our website newsletter. See URL:
Photos may be found at both: the “Happenings” section of our newsletter; and the “Photos” section of our Facebook page. See URL:
Note: All Activities/Events/Times are subject to change without notice. To check our schedule, one may also call 563-872-5521.
Note: We are now recovering from an outbreak of the COVID at the MVCC, as of August 19, 2024. Activities were cancelled at the MVCC during the outbreak, as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines Precautions were implemented, as advised.